Ekahau Mobile Survey

Ekahau Mobile Survey ist ein intuitiv zu bedienendes und leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das WLAN-Netze in Echtzeit über ein Android Smartphone oder Tablett überwacht und analysiert.


Ekahau Mobile Survey 2.x – Analysieren und Monitoren Sie Ihr WLAN mit einem Smartphone oder Tablett PC

Ekahau Mobile Survey ist ein intuitiv zu bedienendes und leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das WLAN-Netze in Echtzeit über ein Android Smartphone oder Tablett überwacht und analysiert. So können IT-Manager weitgehend darauf verzichten, separate Geräte bei sich zu tragen. Mittels aktiver und passiver Tests stellt Ekahau Mobile Survey fest, ob ein WLAN-Netz funktioniert und Dienste wie VoIP, Video, Daten oder Echtzeit-Lokalisierung mit der benötigten Reichweite und Performance unterstützt.

Die Lösung misst die Abdeckung, Datenrate, Paketverzögerungen und Paketverluste, um sicherzustellen, dass das Netzwerk die Leistungsanforderungen für die verschiedenen laufenden Dienste erfüllt. Außerdem ist es auch in der Lage, unautorisierte Access Points zu finden.

Einsatzbar für viele Aufgaben

Wenn der Anwender Ekahau Mobile Survey gerade nicht aktiv nutzt, überwacht die Applikation das Netzwerk im Hintergrund weiter. Dabei kann das Mobilgerät ohne Einschränkung auch für andere Aufgaben eingesetzt werden. Sobald sich der Anwender an einen Ort begibt, an dem das Netz die benötigte Leistung nicht erreicht oder anderweitig den Serviceanforderungen nicht genügt, wird er mit einem Alarm auf das Problem hingewiesen. Sämtliche Fehlermeldungen werden dann protokolliert, um später im Detail analysiert werden zu können.

Ekahau Mobile Survey ist ideal für alle Techniker die WLAN Netzwerke aufbauen und vermessen. Geben Sie Ihrem Kunden ein Tool (Ekahau Mobile Survey) in die Hand, mit dem er sein WLAN einfach überprüfen kann, um bei Problemen sofort reagieren zu können

Ekahau Mobile Survey ist die professionelle WLAN-App und bietet:

  • Touch-Screen-Benutzeroberfläche
  • Desktop-Widget: Monitoring direkt vom Telefon / Tablet / Desktop
  • Vollautomatische Überwachung im Hintergrund: Meldet sich nur, wenn das Netzwerk ausfällt
  • Große Auswahl von unterstützten Geräten


Folgende Eigenschaften zeichnen die Ekahau Mobile Survey aus

  • Schnelle einfache Site Surveys mit handlichen Android Geräten
  • On Spot Analyse mit Hintergrund Überwachung
  • Infrastruktur-Layout immer dabei
  • Netzwerk Anforderungen sind voll konfigurierbar
  • Vordefinierte Profile für VoIP, Location-Tracking, High-Speed-Konnektivität, E-Mails und
  • Web-Browsing, Basic-WLAN-Konnektivität


  • Einfache Standortbegehungen möglich
  • Qualitätssicherung ihres WLAN
  • Klare Visualisierung


Ekahau Mobile Survey – Wi-Fi Analysis on a Phone or Tablet

Wi-Fi Monitoring Using Android Phone: Logging

Ekahau Mobile Survey Wi-Fi Map View on Android Phone

Ekahau Mobile Survey: Wi-Fi access points on your Android mobile phone

Wi-Fi Monitoring using an Android Phone

Active and passive Wi-Fi testing on an Android Phonee

Details (englisch)

Wi-Fi Site Surveys, Monitoring and Analysis for Android Phones and Tablets

Improve Your Wi-Fi Network Performance

There was a time when you needed to get your laptop to survey and troubleshoot your Wi-Fi network. There was a time when you couldn’t monitor the Wi-Fi network from the end user perspective Introducing Ekahau Mobile Survey: The new era in wireless network analysis and monitoring starts here.


Site Surveys: Finally Touch-Operated and Light-Weight 

Perform Wi-Fi walk-through site surveys to ensure sufficient network coverage in all locations. With a tablet or phone, it’s light-weight, super-easy, and touch operated. If that wasn’t enough, there’s an on-screen help to guide you through it.


Easy-to-Read HeatMap Analysis of Network Coverage

Once you’ve walked through the facility, Ekahau Mobile Survey locates the nearby access points, and displays network coverage. The coverage can be visualized for all access points, your network, selected SSID, or a single access point. You can set minimum thresholds, such as „The Cisco voice deployment guidelines mandate -67dBm signal coverage or better“.

Analyze and Troubleshoot

Want to know how your Wi-Fi network is performing, end-to-end? Just open Ekahau Mobile Survey on your mobile phone or tablet. You’ll get comprehensive analysis on Wi-Fi coverage and connectivity details – in super-easy, graphical form.

See your Infrastructure On A Map 

Ekahau Mobile Survey displays your network infrastructure layout and its current condition, overlaid on a graphical map. Even the largest sites with multiple floors and even buildings become easily manageable, with your personal mobile device. You’ll pinpoint AP locations and configurations, and see their current statuses!


Monitor Transparently

As you mind your daily business and walk in the facility, Ekahau Mobile Survey monitors the network continually by performing active and passive tests. The user is only interrupted with warnings if the network fails to meet the requirements for the service of your choice. The services include voice over Wi-Fi, location tracking, basic data, and more. Mobile Survey also provides alarms about nearby rogue (non-friendly) access points.

Ekahau Site Survey Two-Way Integration

The projects surveyed with Ekahau Mobile Survey can be exported to Ekahau Site Survey laptop/desktop tool. This allows combining light-weight and quick surveys with flexible, in-depth analysis and reporting.

It works the other way, too: Ekahau Mobile Survey can import your existing project files (.esx) from Ekahau Site Survey. This allows you to perform additional surveys on an existing project; Very usable if you want to perform additional surveys in case network infrastructure or building infrastructure changes.

Get Things Done More Easily

Ekahau Mobile Survey is the first enterprise-grade Wi-Fi app to provide:

  • Super-easy touch-screen user interface
  • Import map images from bitmap images or take a picture using camera
  • Desktop Widget: See network state from the Android desktop
  • Fully automated background monitoring: only disturb user when network fails
  • Wide variety of supported devices

https://messkom.de/assets/images/nexus-status.png (Fehler beim Upload)

Key Features – Ekahau Mobile Survey 

Site Surveys

Perform 802.11abgn* walk-through, map-based site surveys. Never before has surveying been so light, so quick, so easy.

Easy and quick site surveys using a touch screen user interface
Pan map with one finger, zoom in/out with two-finger pinch
Show coverage during surveys
Locate nearby access points automatically
Multi-floor support
Import maps from
◦ Camera
◦ Bitmap images
◦ Existing Ekahau Site Survey project file

* = Depending on phone/tablet Wi-Fi radio

Coverage Analysis Heatmaps and Access Point Status 

Visualize network signal coverage, on a map, with vivid colors. Provides an overview to the network infrastructure layout. Shows, in real time, which APs are audible, which AP you’re associated with, and which APs do not seem to be functioning correctly.

  • Show heatmap coverage for
    ◦ All access points
    ◦ Selected SSID
    ◦ Selected access point
    ◦ My access points
  • Export heatmap image 
  • AP locations
  • AP status on a map (associated, audible, broken)
  • See AP details by tapping an AP
  • Pinch zoom, double-tap zoom
  • Easy map panning using finger
  • Show/hide survey routes


Network Status 

The Network Status shows whether your network works or not, based on your requirements, such as voice over Wi-Fi, location tracking, or just e-mail. It also provides real-time details about the connectivity and performance:

  • Signal strength
  • Data rate
  • Packet loss
  • Packet Delay
  • Nearest rogue (non-friendly) AP signal strength
  • SSID and associated AP MAC

Network Details 

Provides additional information about your current Wi-Fi network connection, such as:

  • MAC address of your device and the associated AP
  • SSID, association state, security setting, channel of the associated AP
  • IP settings, such as my IP, gateway IP, DNS servers, etc.

Map View

Provides an overview to the network infrastructure layout. Shows, in real time, which APs are audible, which AP you’re associated with, and which APs do not seem to be functioning correctly.

  • AP status on a map (associated, audible, broken)
  • See AP details by tapping an AP
  • Pinch zoom, double-tap zoom
  • Easy map panning using finger

https://messkom.de/assets/images/screenshot_map.png (Fehler beim Upload)

Access Point List 

Displays the audible access points, and highlights the associated AP, as well as the APs that are not a part of your network. The list shows:

  • Channel, security, signal strength
  • Rogue (non-friendly) APs shown with red color
  • Associated AP shown with green color

Background Monitoring 

Allows you to leave Mobile Survey monitoring your network as your go on with your daily tasks. In the Background monitoring mode, Mobile Survey wakes up at predefined intervals, and runs various tests to check that the network is operating correctly.

  • Compares the current readings against predefined requirements, such as voice over WLAN,
  • basic data connectivity, or RTLS
  • Provides audible and vibration alarms if network fails
  • Stores errors into a log
  • Adjustable monitoring interval


Whenever a network error is detected by Mobile Survey, it will be logged. The log contains extensive information about the error for effective analysis.

  • Easily review network errors over time
  • Extensive log details
  • Write (or speak) custom notes about the log


Desktop Widget 

See your network status directly from the desktop, and control background scanning. No need to start up the application to see important connectivity information, such as:
• Overall network status (OK or fail)
• Signal strength
• Data rate
• Associated AP MAC


Specifications – Ekahau Mobile Survey 

Mobile Phone with:

  • Operating System: Android 2.1 or higher
  • Display: 480 x 800 or higher
  • Must allow installation of non-Market applications (unknown sources)
  • Typically found from Settings > Applications > Unknown Sources


Datenblatt / Handbuch


Handbuch für Ekahau Mobile Survey (englisch)

Liste der unterstützten Andriod Geräte

Angebot, Anfrage / Teststellung

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